Journal Publications
Cardiovascular Modeling & Simulation (* corresponding author)
S. A. Lee†, J. Seo†, M. Y. Han*, S. J. Kim*, "Relationship between Fontan pathway and hemodynamics: analysis using computational fluid dynamic", In preparation.
K. Choi, O. S. Pak, W. Yang, J. Seo*, "Computational investigation on the effects of slippery surfaces on blood flow stagnation in implanted cardiovascular devices", In preparation.
K. Choi†, J. Y. Seo†, J. Seo*, "Uncertainty Quantification for Simulating Coronary Artery Hemodynamics in Aneurysms Caused by Kawasaki Disease", Submitted.
S. M. Baek†, K. Choi†, H. G. Lim, G. B. Kim*, J. Seo*, "Quantitative comparisons of pulmonary artery hemodynamics before and after Pulsta valve implantation in patients with Tetralogy of Fallot using computational fluid dynamics", Under review.
W. Y. Park, S. Y. Lee*, J. Seo*, "Hemodynamic analysis in aorta after arterial switch operation for patients with transposition of great arteries using computational fluid dynamics", Accepted, JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH, 2024.
J. Seo*, "Advancing risk stratification of coronary artery aneurysms caused by Kawasaki disease using hemodynamics analysis and computational fluid dynamics," KAWASAKI DISEASE, 2023; 1(1):e6. (창간호 Invited review)
K. Menon†, J. Seo†. Ryuji Fukazawa, Shunichi Ogawa, J. C. Burns, A. M. Kahn, A. L. Marsden*, "Predictors of myocardial ischemia in patients with Kawasaki Disease: Insights from patient-specific simulations of coronary hemodynamics,"JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH, 2023.
†: Equal contributions.
M. O. Khan, T. Nishi, S. Imura, J. Seo, H. Wang, Y. Honda, K. Nieman, I. S. Rogers, J. A. Tremmel, J. boyd, I. Schnittger, A. Marsden*, "Colocalization of coronary plaque with wall shear stress in myocardial bridge patients," CARDIOVASCULAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, 2022.
J. Seo†, A. B. Ramachandra†, J. Boyd, A. Marsden, A. Kahn*, "Computational evaluation of surgical revascularization techniques in coronary artery bypass graft surgery," SEMINARS IN THROACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY, 2021, Vol. 34(2), pp. 521-532. †: Equal contributions.
J. Seo, C. Fleeter, A. Kahn, A. Marsden, D. Schiavazzi*, "Multi-fidelity estimators for coronary artery circulation models under clinically-informed data uncertainty," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATION, 2020, Vol. 10 (5), pp. 449-466. (*Top 4.7% journal in 2019)
J. Seo*, D. Schiavazzi, A. Kahn, A. Marsden, "The effects of clinically-derived parametric data uncertainty in patient-specific coronary simulations with deformable walls," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 2020, Vol. 36 (8). (26 citations)
K. Baumler*, V. Vedula, A. Sailer, J. Seo, P. Chiu, G. Mistlbauer, F. Chan, M. Fischbein, A. Marsden, D. Fleischmann, "Computational fluid dynamics simulations of type-B aortic dissections with fluid-structure-interaction," BIOMECHANICS AND MODELING IN MECHANOBIOLOGY, 2020, Vol. 19, pp. 1607–1628. (*111 citations)
J. Seo*, D. Schiavazzi, A. Marsden, "Performance of preconditioned iterative linear solvers for cardiovascular simulations in rigid and deformable vessels," COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, 2019, Vol. 64, pp. 717-739. (*Top 10% journal in 2019)
Multiphase Flow Modeling & Simulation
J. Seo, J. Seo*, "Implementation of a multiphase interface tracking method using the conservative phase-field approach in the open-source OpenFOAM framework, " JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF VISUALIZATION, 2024, Accepted.
J. Seo*, C. Somarakis, S. Korneev, A. Lew, M. Behandish, "Physics-based nozzle design rules for high-frequency liquid metal jetting," PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 2022, Vol. 34 (10) 102113, DOI:10.1063/5.0107566 (*Top 5.9% journal in 2022)
J. Seo and A. Mani*, "Effect of texture randomization on the slip and interfacial robustness in turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces," PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS, 2018, Vol. 3, 044601. (31 citations)
J. Seo, R. Garcia-Mayoral, A. Mani*, "Turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces: flow-induced capillary waves, and robustness of air-water interfaces," JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, 2018, Vol. 835, pp. 45-84. (*Top 11.9% journal in 2018, 81 citations)
J. Seo and A. Mani*, "On the scaling of the slip velocity in turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces," PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 2016, Vol. 28, 025110. (*92 citations)
J. Seo, R. Garcia-Mayoral, A. Mani*, "Pressure fluctuations and interfacial robustness in turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces," JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, 2015, Vol. 783, pp.448-473. (*Top 12.6% journal in 2015, 106 citations)
J. Seo, A. Mani, “Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow over superhydrophobic surfaces with randomly distributed textures,” 31st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Monterey, CA, 2016.
R. Garcia-Mayoral, J. Seo, A. Mani, “Dynamics of gas-liquid interfaces in turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces,” Center for Turbulence Research Proceedings of the Summer Program, Stanford University, CA, 2014
J. Seo, R. Garcia-Mayoral, A. Mani, “Turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces:gas-liquid interface dynamics,” 30th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hobart, Australia, 2014.