Journal Publications  

Cardiovascular Modeling & Simulation  (* corresponding author)

S. A. Lee, J. Seo, M. Y. Han*, S. J. Kim*, "Relationship between Fontan pathway and hemodynamics: analysis using computational fluid dynamic", In preparation. 

K. Choi, O. S. Pak, W. Yang, J. Seo*, "Computational investigation on the effects of slippery surfaces on blood flow stagnation in implanted cardiovascular devices", In preparation. 

K. ChoiJ. Y. SeoJ. Seo*, "Uncertainty Quantification for Simulating Coronary Artery Hemodynamics in Aneurysms Caused by Kawasaki Disease", Submitted

S. M. Baek, K. Choi,  H. G. Lim, G. B. Kim*, J. Seo*, "Quantitative comparisons of pulmonary artery hemodynamics before and after Pulsta valve implantation in patients with Tetralogy of Fallot using computational fluid dynamics", Under review. 

W. Y. Park, S. Y. Lee*, J. Seo*, "Hemodynamic analysis in aorta after arterial switch operation for patients with transposition of great arteries using computational fluid dynamics", Accepted, JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH, 2024.


J. Seo*, "Advancing risk stratification of coronary artery aneurysms caused by Kawasaki disease using hemodynamics analysis and computational fluid dynamics," KAWASAKI DISEASE, 2023; 1(1):e6.  (창간호 Invited review)

K. Menon, J. Seo.  Ryuji Fukazawa, Shunichi Ogawa, J. C. Burns, A. M. Kahn,  A. L. Marsden*, "Predictors of myocardial ischemia in patients with Kawasaki Disease: Insights from patient-specific simulations of coronary hemodynamics,"JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH, 2023.
†: Equal contributions.


M. O. Khan, T. Nishi, S. Imura, J. Seo, H. Wang, Y. Honda, K. Nieman, I. S. Rogers, J. A. Tremmel, J. boyd, I. Schnittger, A. Marsden*, "Colocalization of coronary plaque with wall shear stress in myocardial bridge patients," CARDIOVASCULAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, 2022. 


J. Seo†, A. B. Ramachandra†, J. Boyd, A. Marsden, A. Kahn*, "Computational evaluation of surgical revascularization techniques in coronary artery bypass graft surgery," SEMINARS IN THROACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY, 2021, Vol. 34(2), pp. 521-532.   †: Equal contributions.  


J. Seo, C. Fleeter, A. Kahn, A. Marsden, D. Schiavazzi*, "Multi-fidelity estimators for coronary artery circulation models under clinically-informed data uncertainty," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATION, 2020, Vol. 10 (5), pp. 449-466.  (*Top 4.7% journal in 2019)


J. Seo*, D. Schiavazzi, A. Kahn, A. Marsden, "The effects of clinically-derived parametric data uncertainty in patient-specific coronary simulations with deformable walls," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, 2020, Vol. 36 (8).  (26 citations)


K. Baumler*, V. Vedula, A. Sailer, J. Seo, P. Chiu, G. Mistlbauer, F. Chan, M. Fischbein, A. Marsden, D. Fleischmann, "Computational fluid dynamics simulations of type-B aortic dissections with fluid-structure-interaction," BIOMECHANICS AND MODELING IN MECHANOBIOLOGY, 2020, Vol. 19, pp. 1607–1628.  (*111 citations)


J. Seo*, D. Schiavazzi, A. Marsden, "Performance of preconditioned iterative linear solvers for cardiovascular simulations in rigid and deformable vessels," COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, 2019, Vol. 64, pp. 717-739. (*Top 10% journal in 2019)


Multiphase Flow Modeling & Simulation

J. Seo, J. Seo*, "Implementation of a multiphase interface tracking method using the conservative phase-field approach in the open-source OpenFOAM framework, " JOURNAL OF  THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF VISUALIZATION,  2024, Accepted.  

 J. Seo*, C. Somarakis, S. Korneev, A. Lew, M. Behandish, "Physics-based nozzle design rules for high-frequency liquid metal jetting," PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 2022, Vol. 34 (10) 102113, DOI:10.1063/5.0107566 (*Top 5.9% journal in 2022)


J. Seo and A. Mani*, "Effect of texture randomization on the slip and interfacial robustness in turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces," PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS, 2018, Vol. 3, 044601. (31 citations)


J. Seo, R. Garcia-Mayoral, A. Mani*, "Turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces: flow-induced capillary waves, and robustness of air-water interfaces," JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, 2018, Vol. 835, pp. 45-84.  (*Top 11.9% journal in 2018, 81 citations)


J. Seo and A. Mani*, "On the scaling of the slip velocity in turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces," PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 2016, Vol. 28, 025110. (*92 citations)


J. Seo, R. Garcia-Mayoral, A. Mani*, "Pressure fluctuations and interfacial robustness in turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces," JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, 2015, Vol. 783, pp.448-473. (*Top 12.6% journal in 2015, 106 citations)
